Monday, 11 June 2012

Money Making Ideas from the eBay

If you have been thinking about how you can make money online in this holiday season, perhaps the eBay Holiday Hot List 2007 can help you generate some ideas and strategies to cash in for the holiday.

The predicted top 25 hottest eBay sellers in the list are:
1 iPhone13 PlayStation 3
2 Webkinz / Lil'Kinz14 I'm Not A Plastic Bag
3 Transformers15 Motorola RAZR2
4 Collectible Barbie16 Designer Fragrances
5 Dooney & Bourke Zebra Tote17 Citizen Eco-Drive Watch
6 Nintendo Wii18 Nike Air Max 360 II
7 T.M.X. Friends - Ernie & Cookie Monster19 Abercrombie & Fitch Hoodie Jacket
8 BCBG Dress20 Dept. 56 Snow Villages
9 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows21 Nike SasQuatch Sumo2
10 Rock Band Video Game22 Gibson Electric Guitar
11 iPod nano 8GB (Black)23 Craftsman Hand Tool Set
12 The Simpsons24 Burton Snowboard

25 Vtech Gadget

The list has been created by eBay based on research, interviews with respected industry experts, and review on Internet blog and past eBay holiday data. So, you can rely on it.

It tells you what products will be in high demand and and short supply in the holidays. So saving you a lot of time and work in figuring out whats to sell in eBay or in your website for the holiday seasons. For those who make money with AdSense and affiliate programs using niche website and blog, you may get a couple of niche ideas looking at the list.

Some Christmas Gifts Useful For Money Making

Joel Comm (an AdSense expert) has put together a collection of Christmas gifts for giving away to the public. All the gifts are products and services related to Internet marketing and making money online. Get Joel Comm Christmas gifts now at

Here's what's inside the collection:

Five Original Instant AdSense Templates
- The AdSense templates are loaded with PLR content. They can be uploaded instantly to your web host and publish on the Internet to make money with AdSense.

Kontera AdLinks Secrets v2.0 ebook
- This e-book will give you tips and ideas for monetizing your website with Kontera Content Link advertising program.

Traffic Geyser $1 Trial Membership
- Video can generate massive traffic for you but only if you know the right ways to create and market your videos. The Traffic Geyser is a system you can follow to generate traffic videos.

ScriptDojo $0.01 Trial Membership
- Find out which scripts were naughty or nice at ScriptDojo.

Make Money By is a fairy new website where people worldwide can join as a writer and make money for their contribution on local info. Writers of Wikimmunity will be responsible for writing and publishing articles about local communities, places, organization, businesses, events and anything else related to where they live, making Wikimmunity become an online community with information from local communities around the US and around the world.

Publishing articles in Wikimmunity is fairly easy. First, you need to register yourself as an affiliate of Wikimmunity and then you will be given access to start publishing articles. You'll get paid $1 for each approved article that has a minimum length of 200 words.

$1 per article seems to be too little, but if you have a lot of local things to talk about, this is may be a good way to earn extra cash. And since you are an affiliate of Wikimmunnity, you can send your website visitors through your affiliate ID to Wikimmunity to join and publish articles in Wikimmunity. You'll also get paid for the approved articles published by your website visitors.

To sign up and start contributing in Wikimmunity, simply go to:

Wikimmunity affiliate sign-up page

The minimum payout is $25 and payments are sent on or before the 15th of the month for the previous month's earnings.

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Secrets For Successful Newsletter (2)

Secret 2 - Provide Helpful Content that Your Readers Want
Want to have a newsletter with thousands of fans and loyal readers?

Then simply give your readers helpful information that they want.

What does it mean?

It's simple. Everybody knows you should offer helpful content in your newsletter.

But what few people pay attention to, is giving their readers what really want. Because not every helpful information is what your readers want. Let's say you publish a newsletter about cars. You keep including information and pictures for Mercedes Benz in issue after issue.
The information and pictures are really cool and useful. So you think your readers love it.

But without you knowing this, there is a problem with that…

85% of your readers are interested in Ferrari – and not even a bit interested about Mercedes Benz. So imagine how frustrating it is for them to hear all about Mercedes Benz in your newsletter week after week.

See the problem here?

That's why you should not only provide helpful content, but also the information that your readers really want. Otherwise, it will be like giving very valuable information about growing a coconut tree to Eskimos. Your information is still very helpful – but not to your readers.

Most newsletter publishers give their readers what they think their readers want… which is by the way 80% not right. So How can you discover what your readers really want?

Simply ask them!

Yes, you can run a simple and easy survey from your list and ask them what they want to find most in your newsletter. You'll be surprised about the responses. You can simply create your survey outline by email and send it to your list and ask them to reply back, or if you want to look more professional and get more response, you can simply use SurveyMonkey. It's a great survey service that I have personally used and have seen other big newsletter publishers use too. So find out what your readers most like to hear about, and then give it to them. Then I promise you will have a big list of fans and loyal happy readers behind you.

Now let's get to the last newsletter success secret.

Secret 3 - Use a Professional, Reader Friendly Newsletter Design 
I still can't believe how many honest, hard-working newsletter publishers spend hours on writing and preparing each issue and still kill their efforts and results by using a poor newsletter design for their newsletter.

It's like you spend years of your life writing an awesome book and then when it comes to choosing a cover for it, you use a very cheap and low-quality paper and write the book title in handwriting on its cover.

Wouldn't it be insane?

Still, some people do the same with their newsletter. Even if the newsletter content is very helpful, people won't still read it because they are turned off by the low quality and cheap looking design so much that assume the content will be as bad as the design. Or maybe the design is so bad that hurts their eye to read the articles – like too small text or a cluttered look that confuses them which part is where.

So what about you?
Is your newsletter design really professional? Or maybe it is killing your newsletter readership...
You can read this article and learn 3 ways to easily get a professional design for your newsletter that your readers will love. You will find this article an eye-opener.

Final Thoughts 
So now you know the top 3 secrets to have your own highly successful newsletter...

1. Give Your Newsletter a Personal Voice
2. Provide Helpful Content that Your Readers want
3. Use a Professional Design for Your Newsletter

So now you are armed with powerful information that can help you transform your newsletter success.

Secrets For Successful Newsletter

Creating a successful newsletters, like everything else, has a formula for success. If you don't follow it, your newsletter probably will be just another newsletter that your subscribers will hit the "Delete" button and send it to their mailbox trash. However if you follow the same formula that other highly successful newsletters are using, your subscribers will read your every newsletter issue, love it, and even recommend it to their friends.

So would you like to discover the top 3 secrets of this formula to make your newsletter highly successful?

Then let's get started...

Secret 1 - Give Your Newsletter a Shining Personality 

When I compared different highly successful newsletters in different topics, I found a similar very interesting trait in all of them…

Having a personality.

So what does it mean?

It means the author makes his newsletter unique by letting his personality shine through his every word in his newsletter. You see, we are humans and it's a proven fact that people are interested in people. We don't like to read a faceless newsletter who we can't feel a connection with – like a robot has written it.

We want to feel there has been a real person just like ourselves behind the keyboard typing those words. We want to feel we know that person.

How Can You Give a Personal Voice to Your Newsletter?

That's not difficult. Here are some ideas...

Include a section at the beginning of your newsletter called "Editor's Notes". It's where you always get a chance to say "hi" and talk to your subscribers from a more personal level. Here are some other creative names for this section that I've heard...
(For example the editor's name is Mike)

• Greetings from Mike

• Mike's Friendly Corner

• Coffee Break

• Mike's Ramblings

• On The Personal Note

The list can go on and on.

Another good idea is to include your photo in your newsletter. You can just include a small photo of yourself in the Editor's Notes section. (Of course you'll need to have an HTML newsletter to be able to include pictures.)

Also you can talk about some recent things that are happening in your life. For example if it's near Christmas, let your readers know what your plans are for the holidays. In the upcoming weeks before Christmas, tell you readers what you're going to do.

Resources For Money Making

Here are some new money making e-books and course you can get access free:

Real Reason Reports
Paul Smithson is in the process of putting together a series of free reports called Real Reason. This series of reports will tell you why do so many online businesses struggle to achieve their full potential and what can you do to make sure you maximize the chances of success in your online business. The first of these reports has been released and is available for download right now at

Post Launch Profits e-Books
Alex Jeffreys has written down his success stories "how he went from working long days of construction to having a six figure online business in under a year in an e-book titled Post Launch Profits. And he laid down the methods and strategies he have used to generate a six figure online in the past year. So you might want to read this e-book, and learn some his useful techniques for improving your online money making venture.

Email list Building Video Course has a step-by-step listing building Video course that you can sign up free and get access to the videos to watch how joint venture marketing can grow your subscribers list.

Right Content For Email Marketing

Email marketing may include sending email advertisements to a large distribution list, publishing and distributing an e-newsletter and sending informative emails with a soft sell approach to encourage recipients to make a purchase or visit your website. Whether you opt to utilize one or all of these email marketing techniques, you will be faced with one specific dilemma and that is writing the content which will appear in these emails. This is critical because these emails may be the first impression potential customers are receiving for your products and services. Superior content will give the potential customers a good first impression which may make them more likely to purchase your products or services. This article will discuss some proven techniques for ensuring the content you use in your email marketing campaign will reap the maximum benefits.

The importance of hiring a professional writer to assist you in your email marketing campaign cannot be stressed enough. It is one of the most critical elements to the success of your campaign. You may be a decent writer or you may have a staff member who you think can do a good job creating the content for your email marketing but unless you or your staff member is a professional writer by trade, the quality of the work will likely not be of the same quality as a professional can produce. This can be very damaging especially if your competitors are hiring writers to create their content. Your emails will likely not be viewed as favorably as the emails written by professionals.

The content you decide to include in your email marketing efforts is largely a matter of personal preference but there are some methods which have traditionally been more successful than others. The type of content which may be effective often includes informative articles, short useful tips, links to relevant websites, advertising for complementary products and even some subtle forms of advertising which are meant to persuade the recipients of the email to either make a purchase or visit your website.

Full length insightful articles which are likely to be of interest to the members of your email distribution list are an excellent idea for your email marketing campaign. These articles are a good idea because they will likely contain information which the recipients of your email will appreciate. Additionally, these articles give you the opportunity to include information about your products or services in the copy of the email. This can be a subtle form of advertising when it encourages the recipients to purchase a product or service or visit the website without actually asking the recipient to do so.

Short product reviews can also be very useful and helpful when you include them in your email marketing campaign. These reviews can help to attract a great deal of attention especially when the reviews focus on the products you offer and provide favorable reviews for these products. This type of information can either be subjective in nature or can remain objective by simply specifying the features of the products and offering other concrete pieces of information as opposed to opinions of the products.

Advertising is often a quite important part of an email marketing campaign. This advertising may either be direct or indirect in nature. Direct advertising may include banner ads or other graphical advertisements which encourage website visitors to click through the link to reach either your website or a sponsor’s website. Indirect advertising may apply to content in the copy of featured articles which subtly encourage visitors to make a purchase or visit your website. The indirect marketing in an email marketing campaign is usually supporting the products or services you offer while direct marketing will likely promote products and services offered by sponsors who paid to receive advertising space on the email. Email recipients are usually well aware these graphics are part of an advertisement and will choose to click on these links when they have an interest in the products or services being offered.

Adsense Finder For Making Money

The AdSense Finder is another Adwords software designed to help you get more pay-per-click (PPC) traffic for your website with lower PPC cost and increase your return on investment (ROI) from all your Google AdWords advertising campaigns.

Not long ago, Google introduced a new system called "site placement targeting" Where AdWords advertisers can choose to place their ads only on the sites they like to advertise. The good thing about site placement targeting is you can reach highly targeted audience with lesser competition. But, finding a list of relevant and large traffic sites to advertise on can be time-consuming. And the AdSense Finder is created to solve this problem.

What this software will do you is, it will automatically seeks out quality sites that run Adsense, on the exact topics that you want. It then provides the traffic details of these sites and gives you a list that you enter into your campaign so can start advertising on them for a fraction of what the search network costs.

The AdSense Finder is free to download and use. The download link to this software is On Google There is no trial version in this software, you'll full access after installing it on your PC.


People sometimes wonder when they hear the term "outsourcing'. Here's is a brief definition of outsourcing and some ideas on how it can benefit the online business entrepreneur, especially one who is making a go on the Internet.

In actually, outsourcing has been going on for many years. The essence of outsourcing is simply engaging the services of an individual or organization outside your full time staffs to handle certain aspects of your business plan.

These aspects may be public relations, marketing, content creation for website, clerical and administrative functions, or IT management. In fact, with today's virtual environment, there is really no part of the business that could not be outsourced effectively.

Of course, the big question is whether or not there are any benefits to outsourcing, especially for persons who are building their business on the Internet to make money online. Actually, there are several good reasons to outsource certain functions. Here are some examples.

Often, an Internet business is set up with a shoestring budget and one person doing all the work. As the business grows, it is easy to get caught in dealing with general office functions, such as answering emails, handling correspondence, creating unique content and maintaining client lists.

By outsourcing your clerical support needs, you can spend more time focusing on the expansion of your business, not the day to day details of running it.

Second, promoting your online presence is a full time job all by itself. You can hardly manage that and still be involved in making the big decisions that impact the overall operations of your company. Using outside agents to promote your presence and to stimulate sales makes it possible for you to do what owners need to do, which is grow the companies roster of goods and services.

Last, outsourcing allows you to not get bogged down with employee taxes, withholding and providing a benefit package. When you outsource to an agency or to another individual, they will not expect a benefit package to go along with their pay.

You will save a great deal of time and money on accounting functions; these savings can be pumped right back into your business and used for expansion.

Outsourcing is a great way to expand your online company without undue stress on your resources. Why not look at your present situation and see if you would benefit from outsourcing a function or two.